Tag Archive: migrants

Migrants and The Subaltern

By Jorge Mazariegos Jr

Gayatri Spivak’s essay “Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism” seeks to understand the operation of what she calls “wording,” influencing another land or culture or causing change and assimilation. She takes a structuralist approach to the readings, stating that a deconstructive approach would “undo the opposition between verbal text and the biography of ‘Charlotte Bronte’ and see the two as each other’s ‘scene of writing.'” Spivak refers to the contextual relationship between the text and the author and believes that a deconstructive reading of the text makes the risk of a fallacy easy. In her readings, Spivak points out that feminism as a theory is a critical lens to understanding imperialism because imperialism merely opens the reader’s mind to the interpretation involving imperialism’s history and economic and governmental intentions. However, a feminist lens allows the reader to understand what is beyond the moral-ethical intentions of the superiority of one culture toward another and how it is reminiscent of man’s nature to dominate in Society (as a feminist would argue). Concerning Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Spivak believes that the novel portrays the idea of male domination of Society starting in Victor’s laboratory, which represents a replacement for the womb. She furthers her interpretation in her argument concerning the ‘oriental’ nations in their assimilation into Western Society, arguing that Western Society and the idea that it is the path to better futures for people of the ‘oriental’ origin is a form of indoctrination that results in the discrimination of other cultures and backgrounds.

Shelley’s Frankenstein does explicitly portray a representation of the subaltern, a lower social/ethnic class. Pages 108-109 of Frankenstein focus on the creature telling of his observation of the DeLacey family. He learned of “the division of property, immense wealth, squalid poverty; rank, descent, and noble blood.” Next, the creature observes Safie, a young Turkish refugee who moved west to marry a European and is now being taught everything about the Western world without understanding the language of the Western lands. Here, Safie is a version of the subaltern because she is of an oppressed culture with no voice, as she does not speak any language that citizens of western lands would understand. Being in the same position as Safie, not speaking any language that anyone would understand, and being devoid of any prior knowledge about western land, the creature is a reflection of Safie as we hear his thoughts and opinions of Western Society, such as his discontent with the necessity of laws and government and the unequal distribution of wealth. Even when hearing about the natives, the creature and Safie are moved to tears because they both understand what it is to be oppressed by Western Society. However, when revealing himself to the DeLaceys, Frankenstein is rejected even by Safie. Safie is the story of ‘oriental,’ third-world citizens making their way to Western Society where they can experience the freedom to receive education and work for their living. Safie should understand what it is like without property, wealth, and constant fear of unchosen circumstances. However, she shows no sympathy or understanding for the creature. Spivak argues that this is because of a form of ideological indoctrination stemming from her Western Education as it is taught to her by a Western man who seeks to destroy her sentiments and understandings toward her origins. Thus, the reality of Safie’s seemingly uncharacteristic reaction to the creature shows the disconnect and corruption that Western Education creates when teaching its values and history.

<<<<<Lecture is cancelled on Tuesday 3/21>>>>

Instead of lecture, students will revise last week’s blog post based on what they have learned. For next Wednesday (10/31), students will answer the following question prompt. In your revisions, please use the terms and ideas of postcolonial and critical race studies, whichever ones are most useful to your argument/interpretation.  Consider how Safie, her father, Felix, the creature, or other characters in the novel could be considered inhabitants of the borderland (Gloria E. Anzaldúa), examples of métissage or creolization (Edouard Glissant), models of double-consciousness (W. E. B. Du Bois), victims of internal colonization (Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o), or the privileged inheritors of whiteness (see Parker, pages 311-323). To help you make contemporary connections, I’ve included below a short documentary of a Syrian refugee woman who migrated to the U.S, the story of a modern-day Safie.

Please publish the revised post and categorize under “Tales of Immigration.” Don’t forget to create specific and relevant tags.  The posts are due by 3:00pm on Tuesday (3/21). Please include your full name.

********Please ignore the Allan Lloyd Smith reading assigned for next Thursday************

Tania De Lira-Miranda

Image result for traveling passport

Though it may not seem like it at first glance, Frankenstein in a novel in which the theme of (im)migrants plays an important, yet small, role. Though the DeLacey Family, which consists of Agatha, Felix, and Mr. DeLacey, and Safie only appear in the novel for a few chapters, the characters leave a profound impact on the creature.

It is by watching the DeLacey Family that the creature comes to learn about a lot of things. It learns about class, “a considerable period elapsed before I discovered one of the causes of the uneasiness of this amiable family; it was poverty: and they suffered that evil in a very distressing degree,” sympathy, “I had been accustomed, during the night, to steal a part of their store for my own consumption; but when I found that in doing this I inflicted pain on the cottagers, I abstained, and satisfied myself with berries, nuts, and roots, which I gathered from a neighboring wood,” and of compassion, “I discovered also another means through which I was enabled to assist their labours. I found that the youth spent a great part of each day in collecting wood for the family fire, and during the night I often took his tools, the use of which I quickly discovered, and brought home firing sufficient for the consumption of several days.” But virtues are not the only thing that the creature learns from the family as it is through them that he learns about human relationships. By watching the three, the creature learns about how family relationship work; it sees how much Flix and Agatha care for their father as he states that “nothing could exceed the love and respect which the younger cottagers exhibited towards their venerable companion. They performed towards him every little office of affection and duty with gentleness; and he rewarded them with his benevolent smiles.” He learns about kindness as he sees Felix wake up before his father and Agatha to clear the snow from the path, gather wood, and bring drinking water. It is due to watching them that the creature learns to speak their language.

And this learning continues when Safie arrives at the DeLacey’s home. When she begins to live in the house, the creature learns about how she came to meet the DeLacey’s as “The father of Safie…was a Turkish merchant…[who] became obnoxious to the government. He was seized and cast into prison the very day that Safie arrived from Constantinople to join him. He was tried and condemned to death” which caused Felix to try to help him which is where he met Safie and fell in love with her which caused her father “to secure him more entirely in his interests by the promise of her hand in marriage so soon as he should be conveyed to a place of safety.” It is due to the Safie’s tale of the circumstances that lead her to meet the DeLacey’s that the creature learned that, just like Safie, he was an other. When Safie first arrived at the DeLacey’s home, she does not know how to speak the language that Felix and his family does which causes her to be “neither understood by, or herself understood, [by] the cottagers.” So by not knowing the language of the DeLacey’s, a barrier comes to form between them as she is not able to talk to the family, causing her to be different. It is because Safie wants to bond with the family and not be different/an other to them that she plays the guitar: to communicate through music.

The reason why the creature provides Safie’s letters when trying to provide “the truth of [his] tale” is because it sees itself in her. Just as the creature feels different from Victor and any other human being, Safie was different from the DeLacey’s as she did not speak their language and was from another country. Both Safie and the creature are not like those around them. They both did not know the language of the country they were in and they are not originally from there, though technically this could be argued for the creature. Both the creature and Safie try to integrate to the country’s culture, only one of them succeeds, Safie, which shows the creature that it is an outsider even to the outsiders. By giving Victor Safie’s letters, the creature wants Victor to see how hard life is to immigrants, compared to Victor who is a white man. The creature wants Victor to see the injustice that both Safie and it face because of the life they were given/born into. The letters show the struggles that Safie went through in order to be accepted and the creature wants to show Victor that it too is going through struggles in order to be accepted